Wednesday, June 2, 2010

TSA is going to love me now...

TSA is going to love Craig now. They put some serious metal in his thumb today. The 1 1/2 - 2 hour surgery took 3 1/2 hours. The doctor had quite the jig saw puzzle to put back together. He also had to take a bone graft out of Craig's wrist to fill in some missing pieces in the thumb.

On a happy note... Craig is scheduled to come home this Saturday. We will have lots of doctors appointments and out patient therapy but I will be happy to have him home each night.

Craig has to have a responsible adult with him 24/7 for the first few weeks. He also CANNOT do any activities that could result in a head injury. He told someone today that he wanted to go mountain biking this summer. Anyone who encourages him to go will have to answer to me. It won't be pretty. :)

Visitors will be welcome starting on Sunday. Just a word of caution - if you stay too long I might disappear on you and make you his new care taker. Just kidding. I am sure I will need a some breaks in there but we will work those out when the time comes.


  1. We all know men never grow up, but now you need a babysitter??? This has gone too far! ;) I WISH I could be there to help more!!!! I know! me and ALL my kids will come take care of you ;)

  2. Hey, if you ever need a break, feel free to call me up! :)
