Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enduring to the End

Today I took Craig to the fire station to meet the first responders on the scene. We walked in and I told them my husband had been in an accident last month and wanted to meet them. I didn't even have to tell them which accident, they all knew. It was a pretty cool meeting. The first two on the scene looked like they were going to cry when they saw how well he was doing. They really didn't think there would be this good of an outcome. After accidents like this they very rarely get visitors who are in as good of shape as Craig.

They went into detail about what they saw and experienced when they were on the scene. They even gave Craig a great description of what the car looked like after he hit it. (Pretty gruesome) We had a lot of our questions answered about exactly how he hit the car and where he landed. Craig had fun showing off the x-rays of his thumb.

One of the firefighters has been doing this for 16 years. He said Craig's accident is the first one that actually made him go out and buy a helmet for his motorcycle. He has seen plenty of motorcycle accidents where the helmet made no difference. But seeing how Craig's helmet protected him in this instance made him a believer.

Craig volunteered to speak about bike safety for them anytime they want him to. They said they were planning on taking him up on that. We kept his helmet. That and pictures of his bike and the car will make great visual aids.

We also spent the day going from place to place getting copies of Craig's medical records. Yesterday we received the list of all documents (which is long) we will have to submit to the FAA. They will review the documents and send us a letter stating the length of time before Craig is considered medically cleared to fly again. They said this period can be anywhere from six months to five years. The length all depends on the severity of his injuries. There are many factors which they go by so it is hard for us to predict what they will be telling Craig. We are hoping for closer to the six months than the five years!!!

Knowing it could possibly be a long time before Craig can fly again has been hard, but we know we just need to Endure to the End. We have been taken care of so wonderfully up to this point that we just need to have faith that it will all work out in the end!


  1. We are so greatfull the Craig is doing so good. A lot of prayers were used and so many more are needed. God has a plan and we need faith to carry it forward. Has Craig bought a Motor Cycle Helmet Yet?

  2. I just heard about this the other day. I am glad that Craig is progressing so quickly! Hopefully the FAA will have their act together and get him back to work as soon as he is ready. I hope you will give him my best wishes, and let me know if I can do anything to help. -Dave Chandler
